strategy planning

Funding Quantum Initiatives

Quantum City supports quantum talent generation and solutions development with funding opportunities

Quntum Cloud Lab

Open Science Narrative

Quantum City's support for research is grounded on the principles of Open Science, which advocates for universal accessibility of research products and processes while also emphasizing diversity, collaboration, reproducibility, and equity.   

Funding Opportunities

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Consortia Award

Quantum City has launched a funding call to establish interdisciplinary consortia for creating adoption pathways to capture the benefits of quantum technology. This funding will be up to $140,000 for each of two years subject to matching funds equal or greater than the request to Quantum City. Applications are now closed; successful applications will be announced April 2024.

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Quantum City Funding Call

Quantum City held a funding call in late 2022 and awarded over 15 applicants with support for quantum and quantum-adjacent projects. We thank all those who applied and are advancing quantum research and technology.

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Mitacs Special Offer

Quantum City with Mitacs are supporting industry partnerships with the University of Calgary through an Umbrella Pilot. This pilot reduces barriers for applicants allowing a streamlined review process for eligible quantum projects. For a limited time, Mitacs has a special funding call (up to 2:1 leverage of eligible industry cash). For more information email Annie Hoang at